Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lame Posts are Lame

But introductory posts are probably necessary, I'll get to something useful either later tonight or sometime tomorrow, depending how involved in a debate over the inevitability of history I'm having with Patti I am.

Anyway, I've been kicking around the idea of blogging for a while now, but never really got motivated to go ahead and do it. But now I have, so here we go. There aren't too many specific plans for posts (though there are a few, the title up there will give you a few hints) or posting topics, but expect to see a lot about: politics, particularly the campaign for the next two weeks; sports, particularly college football even though my team (Michigan) sucks this year; and gaming, particularly my theories on game design (and its larger implications).

Alternately, whatever strikes me as interesting.

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