Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two weeks!

In two weeks, we will hopefully not be suffering through 2000 or 2004 again and know who the winner of the 2008 Presidential election is and have a good idea how large the Democratic majority in Congress will be. This will consume most of my attention on this blog, and if you know me at all, this will be no surprise.

I have a couple essential sources as far as covering the election goes: 538 and TPM are the two biggest in terms of polling and news respectively. I actually get a large portion of my news from the election thread over at Penny Arcade's forums, because there's nothing quite like a bunch of tech savvy gamer nerds sifting through the internet to get the essential news (and make immature jokes about it).

As probably everyone who's reading this knows, I've been on the Obama bandwagon for a ridiculously long period of time. Having followed this campaign obsessively for almost a year now, I'm just ready for it to end. I'm ready for John McCain to return to the Senate and hopefully work with the Democrats on a few of his pet causes: climate change and earmark reform come to mind in particular. I'm ready for Sarah Palin to go back to Wasilla with her lovely parting gifts. Mostly, I'm ready for the disaster that has been the last eight years to end and for George W Bush to go back to Crawford and hide for the rest of his life. And for Dick Cheney to go back to his own private undisclosed location instead of a taxpayer funded one.

However! There are two weeks to go in this neverending campaign. So while we're thinking about how much we want it to end, do some volunteering, phone banking, donate, or at the very least make sure you all get out and vote (even you, Peter!). Two more weeks and this can finally become reality:

Or you know, this:

Or you know, I could work on finding a job instead.

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